There are several ways to get to Puerto Jimenez and TicoTown Property
Here are our coordinates. Latitude: 8.5353162 Longitude: -83.3026883
If driving, use Waze or Google Maps (Waze works better in Costa Rica) and type in 'Chosa Manglar Nature Retreat'. Either application will bring you right into our parking lot.
Entering the town driving south on #245 (coming from the north, Chacarita and San Jose)
Upon arriving at the entrance to Puerto Jimenez you will see many signs. For a prettier and more informative drive, we recommend you cross over the main road and follow Beach Road directly ahead. You will see the waterfront of Puerto Jimenez if you take this route.
go over the bridge and past the pier, pass the restaurants on your right, and continue to the paved section of the road passing alongside the airstrip to the main corner. At the main corner continue 150 meters and our entrance will be on your left.
We are directly in front of a laundromat, The Washery.
Entering the town driving north on #245 (coming from the south, Carate, and Matapalo)
At the main corner of the gas station continue straight through the main intersection for 100 meters,
turn left, proceed 100 meters and turn right, follow the newly paved road to the intersection just past Opi Opi Pollo and
turn right, cross the mangrove bridge continue for 75 meters to main entrance on the right.
Shuttle bus service from San Jose to Puerto Jimenez for up to 8 passengers.
It runs every second day, one day in one direction and then the next day in the other direction. It services many points between San Jose and Puerto Jimenez. It publishes its departure times and dates one week in advance, so it's not possible to share more info than this.
Three airlines, Skyline Airlines, Aerobell Airlines & Sansa Airlines fly to and from Puerto Jimenez daily. They all have websites, so do a Google search to get updated contact info.
Transportes Blancos offers bus service twice daily from San Jose - Puerto Jimenez departing 4 blocks from the Coca-Cola bus terminal. Their website is rarely updated, so give them a call if you really need the info. Be forewarned, their customer service can be poor.
Tracopa buses depart the Coca-Cola bus terminal in the center of San Jose many times a day to Golfito where you can then catch a ferry to Puerto Jimenez at the small pier (muellecito) 5 times daily. It's best to confirm online or give them a call. They are usually quite good to talk with.
Some More info.
Arriving at the Puerto Jimenez bus terminal from San Jose or any other northern point to our property.
Cross the street and walk uphill 100 meters passing a medical clinic on the right.
Turn right at the intersection and follow the road 2 blocks or 200 meters to the main town intersection where there are 2, two-story buildings on opposing diagonal corners
Turn left and follow the paved road for 250 meters to a funky four-way intersection.
Turn left and pass over the mangrove bridge and continue 75 meters to the entrance on the right.
Lots of signs. Total = 625 meters and a leisurely 10 to 12-minute walk.
Arriving by boat from the Pier
Turn left on the beach road, walk past restaurants and bars on your right to the pavement,
proceed past the airport landing strip and follow for 200 meters to the main corner of the airport,
continue 150 meters and we will be on the left in front of a laundromat and behind a large green hedge.
Total 450 meters and a 10-minute stroll.
Arriving at the Airport
Exit the landing zone,
turn left onto the airport road,
and proceed 150 meters to our main entrance on the left.
We are directly in front of the laundromat. 2 min walk
We hope this info helps.
Pura Vida.